UN Declarations

UN Declarations

The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a human rights instrument passed by the UN in 2007 on the rights of Indigenous Peoples around the world. It is also known as UNDRIP. It establishes a framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the Indigenous peoples of the world. It contains 46 articles that affirm and set out a broad range of rights to protect Indigenous people and to contribute to survival, dignity and well-being. These include rights to lands, territories and resources, the environment. In 2016, the Government of Canada endorsed the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and in December 2020, the Government of Canada introduced legislation to implement the Declaration.

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants was adopted by the UN in 2018. The UN Declaration aims to better protect the rights of all rural populations including peasants, fisherfolks, nomads, agricultural workers and indigenous people and to improve living conditions, as well as to strengthen food sovereignty, the fight against climate change and the conservation of biodiversity.


AN Preamble

One Anishinaabe Family

Debenjiged gii’saan anishinaaben akiing giibi dgwon gaadeni mnidoo waadiziwin.
Creator placed the Anishinaabe on the earth along with the gift of spirituality.

Shkode, nibi, aki, noodin, giibi dgosdoonan wii naagdowendmang maanpii Shkagmigaang.
Here on Mother Earth, there were gifts given to the Anishinaabe to look after, fire, water, earth and wind.

Debenjiged gii miinaan gechtwaa wendaagog Anishinaaben waa naagdoonjin ninda niizhwaaswi kino maadwinan.
The Creator also gave the Anishinaabe seven sacred gifts to guide them. They are:

Zaagidwin, Debwewin, Mnaadendmowin, Nbwaakaawin, Dbaadendiziwin, Gwekwaadziwin miinwa Aakedhewin.
Love, Truth, Respect, Wisdom, Humility, Honesty and Bravery.

Debenjiged kiimiingona dedbinwe wi naagdowendiwin.
Creator gave us sovereignty to govern ourselves.

Ka mnaadendanaa gaabi zhiwebag miinwaa nango megwaa ezhwebag, miinwa geyaabi waa ni zhiwebag.
We respect and honour the past, present and future.

(Preamble to the Anishinaabe Chi-Naaknigewin – as adopted by the Grand Council in June 2011)